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Wrangle's custom form step creates more dynamic workflows

Start elevating workflows with advanced form steps

August 16, 2022

Wrangle’s intake form is the first step in a Wrangle workflow, which allows you to collect the information you'll use to complete a request. For example, if you use Wrangle for purchase approvals, the intake form will collect the relevant data and documentation before routing to the appropriate individual for reviews and approvals. Often, you'll collect all the information needed in that first form submission. But many of our customers have asked for a way to collect more data at different stages of a workflow. Today's release will allow you to add an additional form at any workflow stage.

When might additional forms make sense for a workflow? There are dozens of examples. We’ve highlighted some of the common use cases we’ve seen from the Wrangle customer base.

Partial refund requests:

Wrangle is great for approving refunds for a customer. Often, it's a simple "approve" or "deny" decision. But, sometimes, the reviewer decides the customer should receive a partial refund. In this example, the workflow requires a step where the partial refund amount can be entered. Wrangle will now allow a separate form to be triggered that enables you to input the partially approved refund amount in a mid-workflow form step.

Document review and approvals:

The new mid-workflow form step will be helpful if you're using Wrangle for document approvals like quotes, contracts, or content drafts. Document reviews go through several iterations. Our users needed a way to add the most recent document to the workflow. Now, you'll be able to attach the latest draft or add comments at any stage.

Sales quotes:

When you're creating a sales quote, you often need input from several individuals. Many of you asked for a step in your workflow where teams servicing the account can enter estimated hours for the quoted work to ensure an accurate proposal for the prospect. Form steps will allow you to do this at any workflow stage.

Issue confirmation and assignment:

If you're using Wrangle for ticketing, you might use a form step in an issue report. The manager might confirm the issue and then use a form to pick which team member should resolve the ticket. You might have a mid-flow form step that lists the estimated hours it would take to complete the ticket. Your rules could send an easy request to a less experienced IT manager, whereas your more complex estimates could be routed to a senior member of the team.

Route your workflow differently if an approval is rejected

Many workflows need to go down separate paths if reviewers reject a proposal rather than approving. If so, you can use these new form steps to accomplish this use case. Replace your approval with a form question and then you can use Wrangle’s conditional logic to go down a different path if the user answers “No” to your form question asking for approval.

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